Wednesday, January 19, 2011

One Step Up From Ghetto Curtains + Speaking Deutsch

To shield ourselves from wandering eyes and nosy neighbours, J found a hand towel to hang over the glass and used a piece of wood from our yet-to-be-assembled-wardrobe and propped it up against our bedroom window.

So in an effort to show my independence yesterday, i wanted to drill the holes in the wall to fix the curtain rods because i was getting tired of our ghetto curtains.

But due to unexpected circumstances, i failed.

Not because i didn't know how to use an electric drill but purely because the box that J had said the drill was in, was filled with everything but the drill.

I would try just using a screwdriver but the wall is made out of plaster and concrete and since i'm not exactly the strongest person out there, i know i'll get as far as only damaging the surface.

Originally J's yellow blinds for his workroom was going to extend to the top but due to a hinge getting in the way and the lack of a drill, i've had to come up with something else.

And so the other day, i bought these detachable hinges which just hook up to the top of a window and the blinds hang down from them. Quite practical since one does not need to drill any holes. And i've also hung white half curtains to the top window, so our neighbours can't peek inside.

As for our bedroom, which is directly beside J's workroom, i've fixed a matching half curtain on top. And until we find the missing drill, i've used a temporary spare blanket, that was once used to cushion the interior of Yoshi's pet carrier, to cover part of the window below.

The window sill is deep enough to rest one of their pet carrier's on it, which Luna has now claimed it as hers and uses it to sleep in it at night.

Yup, both kitties now sleep in our room at night.

Which in turn has solved the early-morning-scratching-on-the-door ritual that both Luna and Yoshi would often take part in.

Let's hope nobody pees in our bed this time.


In other news, i've signed up looking for a language exchange partner.

It almost feels like i've registered on an online dating service. The only difference is it's free and instead of looking for a "life partner/relationship", one looks for somebody to practise their language of choice.

I told J about the site and he thinks the concept is great.

I was planning on taking another German course but classes have already begun and money is a bit tight this month. Plus i'm looking for a course that runs only 3-4 times per week and so far, i haven't found anything.

I would like to think i know the basic German grammar and by repeating the same course that i did last year it would just drill it into my head even further. But my issue really lies with speaking, which we all know can only be improved if one practises.

So not only will i attempt to jump start my non-existent social life by meeting up with strangers but i'm hoping it'll improve my confidence when speaking deutsch. I know i'm sort of jumping in the deep end but i promised myself and J i would live less like a hermit and improve my German.

Anyway, back to my search for a tandem language partner...

In my introduction i mentioned that i'm living with my boyfriend only because i don't want random guys/weirdos to get the wrong idea.

And so far, i've got three requests for a meet up.

Although one doesn't really count because she addressed her message to somebody completely different. But all three are native German speaking women looking to improve their English. Two of them haven't included photos in their profiles, which i think are a bit suss, but like a blind date, i'm intrigued.

Fingers crossed that the meetups actually work out and we actually understand one another/get along.

I'm so nervous.

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