Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Congrats! A special blend just for YOU.

Today i celebrate my third year living in Germany and what better way to mark the occasion than to find out that SOMEBODY had peed in our bed.

Obviously, it wasn't me or J but there's high suspicions that it was Yoshi since there were tufts of light coloured cat hair around the crime scene.

So last night just as i was about to tuck myself into bed, i smelt a distinct L'Eau de Pee Pee in the air. If you've ever dealt with cat pee, you'll know that exact stench the second you get close. So i pulled back the covers and zoomed in on the wet patch that had soaked in on J's side of the bed.


Clearly, SOMEBODY wasn't very happy with J and made an effort to show their feelings.

So i spent part of last night and a huge chunk of the morning washing the bed linen, duvets and pillows with a concoction of washing powder, vinegar and an oxi-stain remover. I'm really hoping that works.

If any of my readers have won the battle against The Accidental Cat Pee, please feel free to comment and share your wisdom.

But what i really need is an Enzyme-breaker. One that is said to work wonders in removing the smell and breaking down the properties.

However, currently it's minus 4˚C, grey and depressing and i'm in no mood to gallivant around the city looking for a pet store that stocks it.

And so my mission to remove the P to the double E continues.


The last time something like this happened was when the kitties were coming of age. I remember J telling me, as soon as one of them started marking their territories, we would have to intervene. And first step was to close the bedroom door on them. Which, i have to add, they did not approve of and tried every means possible to get into our bedroom for no other reason but because they knew they weren't allowed in there anymore.

Their most famous tag team tactic was when one would scratch the door and the second i'd open the door to shoo them away, the other would come racing in at full speed slipping past my feet and straight under the bed. At which point, i'd turn around and not guard the door and the other one would run in and hide in the corner.

But most of the time it was just a whole lot of scratching at the door. And the more it continued, the more irritating it got since it was usually me that had to get up and squirt them with the water bottle or chase them away.

So when we moved to this new apartment seven weeks ago, we invited the kitties to sleep in the room with us thinking they might be scared sleeping alone. We figured they'd be old enough by now not to have any "accidents".

Everything seemed to work out just fine.

Luna would find her spot by the window sill and Yoshi would snuggle up around my ankles. And only sometimes i'd wake up in the middle of the night to find Yoshi standing beside me dangling a random toy or shoelace above me hoping i'd wake up and play with him. But for the majority of the time, everyone was well behaved.

That was until yesterday happened and comfort got the better of them.

Needless to say, the kitties are now banned from our bedroom... again.

And so, i think, it's time i invest in a pair of earplugs.

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