Thursday, April 14, 2011

What Lies Beneath.

It's been one week since my last post and in that time we've gone from t-shirts-and-shorts weather back down to don't-forget-your-layers kind of temperatures.

So i planned on writing sooner but as you know, laziness has a habit of taking over sometimes.

But between forever waiting for the feedback from my client and attending German classes twice a week, not much has happened.

Oh except, maybe, that i managed to piss J off once again on Sunday.


By forgetting to take the key out from the inside of the door before i shut the door and we went out. You see, even though we had another set of keys with us, the fact that there was still a key inside the lock on the inside meant we couldn't turn the lock from the outside.


So J had to call the locksmith for the second time [the first time happened last month] to come and open our door. And just like that we managed to waste 59 Euro.

As i continued to apologise to J, i could tell he was really annoyed with me. God forbid that anyone but himself is allowed to make mistakes. And that's when i reminded him i didn't get mad when he got two parking tickets and later got his car towed.

He kept quiet after that.

I then told him we were "even" when it came to wasting money and promised i would never, ever, forget my key in the lock.

We all fuck up at one point or another, but what i've learned is to accept it and move on.

We later spent the rest of the day cycling down the Rhine river and crossing one of the bridges to get to the other side.

And ended the day with yummy but overpriced Flammkuchen and an alcoholic beverage hence the smiles.

But lately i've noticed that J's been leaving obvious hints that he resents the fact that i am able to work from home. The fact that i get to stay at home, in his head, means i have more free time than him. And although i insist there's no comparison, our conversations always end on an unhappy note.

Then on Monday i was super happy when i received an advance on my payments. But my happiness was soon replaced with anxiety when i received an email from a potential new client saying that he may have to cancel working with me if he doesn't hear from his partners.

No work = No money. No money = Not Happy.

I reckon i've got a few more months until i start freaking out that my bank balance is a single digit, so for now i need a new plan.

I've got the next two weeks off from German class, thanks to Easter being just around the corner, so that should give me at least some time to do some research and start putting together my portfolio.


Anonymous said...

Gosh, I would change the lock or do something that doesn't allow you to get locked out if you forget to take the key out. Not all locks do that. Always having to worrry about stuff like that isn't worth it. I mean, who isn't forgetful? To have to promise never to do it again is a tall order. :)

winkris said...

Yea, apparently, we can change the lock ourselves. We just have to go to the hardware store and get the right size that fits.

You're so right, stuff like that isn't worth worrying about.

As for the promise, well so far so good. I'm making it a habit to take a quick glance on the other side of the door before i close the door plus i'm making it a point not to leave the key in the lock.


Some habits CAN be broken.