Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Periodic Table of Typefaces.

Most likely appreciated by graphic designers and Type lovers out there...

Courtesy of Squidspot!

For those of you wishing to print it out as a high-quality version you can request to have the source files (vector eps, pdf or color pdf) by simply donating an amount that you consider the file is worth [here] and not forgetting to include a valid e-mail address. Then he'll e-mail you the link within 24 hours.

Or as he has kindly stated,
"If you're dead broke or don't think the source files should cost a thing, that's cool. I wish Paypal would allow "$0.00" as an option. If you don't want to send money just shoot me an e-mail HERE and you'll get hooked up with the source files. No worries"

And if you want, you can simply set it as your wallpaper. Download your preferred size at squidspot[dot]com.

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