Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Not My Typical Tuesday.

My regular mornings are rather quiet the minute J steps out the front door to get to work. I sip my freshly brewed coffee, check my emails and think about which thoughts i want to regurgitate before i start real work.

But after hitting the snooze button on my handphone one too many times this morning and attempting to push J out of bed one handedly, Luna and Yoshi, as usual, heard this commotion and began scratching at our door to get our attention.

My irritation grew each time the alarm went off because J refused to wake up.

He finally tells me TWO hours later that he has the day off. In fact, he has the next two days off.


So after mumbling to him he could have at least told me or reminded me beforehand, i turned over in a huff. Waking up before the crack of dawn sucks big time and had it not been for the rude interruptions, i could have at least snuck in another hours' worth of sound sleep.

But noooOooo...

I woke up on the cranky side of bed with a headache as result of not drinking enough water and the heater being turned on full blast all night.

So much noise.

So much action first thing in the morning is not good for any headache.

Luna got on my nerves by repeatedly showing off that she could jump onto the kitchen counter and lick the margarine off the knife. And Yoshi was obsessing with sticking his nose in things he's not allowed to.

So far, my morning has been everything but peaceful.

But like a hurricane appearing out of nowhere and then disappearing, the apartment is back to its' quiet self.


Luna is observing the morning birds stretched out on the window sill. Yoshi has parked himself in the space between me and the keyboard and is passing out as i type this. As for J, he's back in bed catching up on lost sleep.

And me?

My plan is to gather information on the real estate lady from our apartment that we apparently have.


Because after close examination, the company that she says she's with doesn't match up with the one that was featured online. And just to be sure, we're contacting the company to see if she actually works with them. There's a lot of money at stake and i don't want to be the loser sending money to some fraud.

Yesterday, i was 99.9% sure the apartment was ours but now i'm not so sure.

But until i'm standing at the front door with the signed contract in my hand and the keys to the new apartment in the other, i just don't believe this is all happening.

4 weeks and counting.

But before that all happens, i've got to complete three property brochures and a few logos by Thursday.

Yup, the pressure is so ON!


UPDATE: The real estate lady is legit and according to the other company they outsource other real estate agents to work with them. So yea, just thought i'd mention again, J and i have a new home to move into in three weeks and six days.



xSharonx said...

I just read about the apartment - and first of all: I'm so happy for you! And second: I'm sure everything will be fine in the end!
I know that's what everyone keeps saying but optimism is the best thing right now :)

Sophia said...

Oh! You've got an apartment already? So is the lady really working for tt company?

Unknown said...

Better be safe than sorry! I hope it's not a scam. Xx

winkris said...

Sharon : Thank you so much! Yea it's been a crazy few weeks but optimism is definitely key to staying sane. I think that works in most situations.

I've been sending positive vibes left, right and centre and i guess it payed off.

Sophia : Well we've been looking for the last 3 weeks but only just decided on one on Sunday.

Sophia & Jess : Well news JUST in... the boyfriend called this morning and apparently it's all good.

The company outsources help and she does work for them. So yea, it's NOT a scam!



Ms. Redd said...

yayy!! can't wait to see photos of it...hey u should do a before and after shot! :)

in the meantime...happy packing! haha

oh btw my word verification below read "RUSHIMAS" i guess it mean our christmas will be somewhat rushy? haha

winkris said...

ms.redd : That was the plan!

Well the current tenant is only moving out on the December 31st which kinda sucks because i wanted to measure out the kitchen as soon as possible. But it doesn't look like that'll happen, so i'm hoping we'll see the place one more time before our proposed move-in date.

And yes, a very Merry Rushimas to you too!
