Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A New kind of Schedule.

I had one of those restless nights. The kind of sleep where you're half conscious and every little squeak or movement jolts you awake. It didn't help that the temperature in the room kept fluctuating. I made sure my legs didn't dangle off the side of the bed, in fear that the boogieman would come out and saw off my feet for being careless. Yes, i am months away from turning 30.

Don't you just hate it when your mind plays tricks on you?

It's the crack of dawn and i've had my first cup of coffee. I'm taking advantage of this spurt of energy, because who knows, maybe in a few hours i may just end up passing out whilst doing the dishes. Maybe i should take advantage of the fact that i can lounge around in my PJs all day if i wish. Or sneak in a mid-morning nap, only to decide whether or not i should do the household chores then or later.

My days of being cooped up and playing the unofficial hauswife are now numbered.

Anyway, guess what came in the mail for me yesterday...

A DL-sized card confirming that i've registered for German classes and that it starts on Monday. For a moment there, i wished it was all a dream and i had dreamt up going to the VHS to do the placement test. Maybe even pretend i could speak the language fluently. Why was i not born with the gift of Learning Languages?

It's moments like those that i wish i could put my Life on pause for a little longer.

But staring right back at me in black and white was my printed-out schedule. There was no turning back. And my eyes immediately zoomed in onto when i start my Christmas break.

Wasn't it, like last week, that i sat down for that placement test? Or has it been a month already? Why is everything moving so fast? What happened to 2009?

And like a slap to the face, it hit me - my Life as i know it, is going to change as of Monday.

I detest 'first days' and having to deal with first impressions. I know, i know. I just have to suck in my gut and do it! Convince myself that i'm fabulous and that i won't fuck up.

Oh. my gawd. Why am i so nervous?

Five more days and counting...

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