Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Poor Little Bunny"

Since J got back on Sunday, he's been sniffing and sneezing. I guess standing out in the cold for 14 hours at the event on Saturday didn't quite help. So yesterday just before lunch he calls me to say he's coming home.

He's sick.

The doctor says it's only a cold. So no worries, it's not the swine flu. No need to quarantine and lock myself up in the house. All he needs is rest and soon he should be good to go.

It's been awhile since i've had company during the day. It wasn't so lonely especially with the occasional nose blowing in the background as an indicator that he's still alive.

We still haven't got around to getting a sofa, so the spare mattress is still lying in the middle of the living room. And once and awhile he'll peel himself from under the covers and make his way into the kitchen. Dragging his hotel slippers and looking all sorry for himself. At which time, i'm up from my chair because he's mumbled something that he wants with the energy of a sloth.

Then i thought of The Man Cold and couldn't help but laugh.

Anyway, after fiddling with my blog's template last night, i eventually passed out sometime after 2am. But then i overslept, well i thought i overslept. It was 7:45 and i frantically wake up J to say he's late for work. So i rush to the kitchen to make him a quick breakfast and whilst i'm waiting for the water to boil for his cup of chamomile tea + honey, i stroll over to the window to see what the weather will be like.

What shade of grey will be on the menu today?

The sun has gone missing for the past few days, so to open the shutters to see this was a real nice surprise...

So i'm rambling on about something to J and i don't hear an answer. Our apartment is not that big and there aren't that many hiding places. But it takes me a few minutes to find out he's not taking a shower and isn't getting ready for work. He's snuck back into the work room where i was just in and has passed out on the guest bed and buried himself under the blanket.

"Poor little Bunny".

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