Thursday, September 02, 2010

SALT + Italio Business

Is it Thursday already? Hang on, isn't it September too?

This week... year seems to be speeding along faster than i can handle. Summer seems to be missing in action more frequently, which can only mean in no time i will be forced to embrace the gloomy skies for the next 9 months. Oh joy!

But let's rewind to last weekend.

So on Saturday we decided to make an impromptu trip to Duesseldorf to watch a movie. The cinema in our town doesn't show any movies in English, in fact there isn't all that much to do in the town we live in.

We still had 30 Euros worth of movie vouchers from CineStar that the secretaries at his old work place gave J as a go-away present. After a close examination i noticed that they had expired the week before but figured we'd try our luck and if they said they weren't valid, i'd pretend i didn't see it.

I've heard some rave reviews of SALT and so i was super happy to find out that they were showing it at 8:15 PM.

After much dilly-dallying it took us about an hour and a half to drive to Duesseldorf and we got to the cinema just in time.

We stopped by the supermarket to buy some snacks. Separated into sandwich bags i hid some Cheese Balls, Pistachios and chocolate in my handbag.


And then at the cinema i went on to adding to the fat fest, beer and some nachos with melted cheese... YUM! Yes, you can buy and drink beer in cinemas in Germany.

I had no idea what to expect, so it made the outcome better. J and i didn't even watch the full trailer on YouTube before watching the movie, as we feared that it would give away most of the story. And true enough, after coming back and watching it, i'm happy that we didn't watch it.

So click here to see the SALT trailer.

Our plan was to catch The Expendables at 11 PM and to buy some time we went to see a friend whom we hadn't seen in a while. Before we knew it, we realised we weren't going to make it back to the cinema on time. But our friend was planning on going to Rheingold - a dance club that J and i used to go to when we used to live in Duesseldorf. And as much as i bitched about how i thought the girls there were evil bitches, deep down i actually missed it.

Not the bitches, the club.

The fact that i could go there and dance to my hearts content and not care was great. To feel not self-conscious really does make a difference in the outcome of any night.

It wasn't their typical Saturday night with local DJs playing but Stylecharts presents Italo Business. Dandi & Ugo and Piatto were playing - Italian DJs who play Minimal Tech-House. I had no idea who they were and had never listened to any of their tracks but we figured it sure beat sitting at home.

So anyway, it turned out to be one of our best nights there.

The music was better than i had expected and the atmosphere just got better as the hours ticked on. The people, especially the girls, weren't evil and the number of dickheads in my vicinity were down to a minimum. YES!

Love... LOVE... LOVED IT!

It probably won't be another few months, maybe even a year until we go back to Rheingold but it doesn't matter. I'm just happy i had such a good time and those memories should last me for some time.

But my fingers are crossed that my client processes the payment that they owe me today.

It sucks hardcore that my account balance has dipped down to the minuses, no thanks to automatic bill payments. But you know what? Even though i'm broke, i know i had one helluva weekend and it was worth it.

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