Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Nice and toasty...

I've come up
with a brilliant solution
to temporarily solve
my cold-as-ice feet
Well not so original
but it works
[and i needed to
insert a photo here].

Why not take advantage of the radiators and warm my slippers and socks on them. Yes those ARE hot pink slippers [curtsies to IKEA for selling them for super cheap at 1,50€ and thanks Qantas for giving away free socks].

The weather is crazy - it's like a vicious game of Ping-Pong!

One minute it's bright and sunny and then next there's a snow shower. This weather tug-of-war goes on from morning till sunset... mother nature is truly confused. The temperature continues to hover around freezing point and 3 degrees. BUT that's not all... it's the wind chill factor that's the real pain the arse! I can barely sit still at the tram stop because i'm bound to get up with a frozen arse! It's not pleasant AT ALL. It's moments like those i wish i had more junk in my trunk or even better, portable butt cheek warmers... mmmm toasty!

But i guess that's where layering helps. I always feel so puffy and restricted outdoors. I can totally empathise with the Michelin man.

I've noticed my circulation is quite poor because my feet are almost always falling asleep and are cold. I've also noticed recently my slightly yellowish-green-ish [?] under tones are slowly revealing itself. Uh-oh, i'm slowly getting pasty! Ewwww...

But one thing i don't quite get are the number of orange coloured individuals here. Sure not everyone was blessed with a natural tan and Winter has just passed - or should be nearly over. And no, i have nothing against tanning salons but when one sees one too many oversized Oompa Loopas roaming the streets, one has to question their obsession.

I know it's rude to stare but i can't help but wonder, whether the artificial rays have in fact distorted their ability to differentiate colours. I wonder if they even realise their skin tone resembles that of a carrot.


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