Friday, June 25, 2010

1,400 Euros richer.

Some of you will know, two months ago i received a letter to say that i was accepted into the KSK (an Artists’ Social Fund, Kuenstlersozialkasse; which basically covers me for local health & long-term care insurance and a pension for when i'm old and crusty).

And after nearly a year of waiting for them to tell me whether or not i was accepted into this program, they send me a lovely letter saying that i am accepted but now owe them over 1,600 Euros for all the back dated months.


Which of course is absolutely absurd since i was covered by a private health insurance all that time. Why should i pay extra for a service i never knew i had? You can read all about it here.

So then J writes them a long letter explaining the situation about how i was in hospital in January and if the German health insurance company claims that they are my sole provider since last year, technically, they would have to pay back the other Private insurance company for my hospital stay, operation and check-ups.


So then a few weeks later they send me a letter, saying that they've received my appeal and that they will look into my case.

And today i received this...

It declares that i am excused from paying the last 12 months of Health Insurance [which they previously said i had to pay]! And it mentions that my Private Insurance between April 2009 to April 2010 is now valid [which they had said before was not sufficient health coverage].

So basically because of that wonderful letter that J wrote in German, i managed to escape paying an extra 1,400 Euros!


That's like 35 visits to the supermarket for weekly shopping.

Or even better, two return flights to Asia plus spending money!

Crazy right!?

So now that i transferred what i owed them [which still ended up being just over 1,000 Euros but nevermind], it is official, i am no longer in debt to the German government.


Feels so good, i think i may just have to eat another slice of banana bread to celebrate.

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