Thursday, January 22, 2009

Brought to you by the Letter C.

I had a dream i made cookies yesterday.

Or maybe that was just my subconscious telling me to wake up so i could feed myself. I had taken a nap during the afternoon and woke up craving cookies. J had bought a little book titled, 1 Teig = 100 Kekse which translates to 1 Dough = 100 Biscuits. The core ingredients were basic and since i had no chocolate chips or Orange Aroma, i replaced it with chocolate sprinkles and drops of Vanilla essence.

By the time i was done mixing the buttery goodness, J woke up from his slumber.

"CoooOOoookies!" He called out.

Yes, the smell of cookies are, oh so yummy.

J's been going on about making homemade biscuits for awhile now but somehow we never got around to making them. I'm not sure at what point he thought i'd appreciate his shadow puppets but he went ahead and made them. So whilst trying to take a photo left handed, he tried to distort his fingers...

Although i'm not too sure what animal he was trying to form across the cookie dough but whatever it was, [Dog/Hornbill] it wasn't really working... ehehe. Sorry. But at least it brought out a giggle.

Preheated the oven at 190˙C and chucked in the tray with 25 chocolate sprinkles cookies. 15 dusted with cinnamon and sugar. The other 10 were slathered with icing glaze made out of icing sugar and lemon then sprinkled with coloured dots.

The high sugar content would be any Diabetic's nightmare but definitely a Sweet Tooths' dream.

Personally i thought they were too sweet. I'm not much of a Sweet Tooth but in small doses i think they'd be great little sugar highs. Match it with some chilled Milk [only if you're not lactose intolerant] and you've got a great little snack. I'm thinking i'll need to do some minor adjustments to the measurements but all in all, not bad.

But there's nothing like the smell of freshly baked goods lingering in the air.

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