Monday, January 05, 2009

Don't Eat Yellow Snow

Yellow Snow

Last night i looked out of our window and noticed a fresh blanket of snow covering the ground. Excited that today J had his day off, we decided we'd go out and make a snow man.

But then at about 8:30am, we got a call.

I briefly eyed the flashing incoming number and it was J's work calling. Damn it, it was his boss calling to tell him he had to come into work because his colleague couldn't make it because all the roads and Autobahn was blocked. I ran to the window to have a look and was amazed how much snow had fallen.

I poked my head out from Little L/Green/Guest room and the green lawn outside was covered!

Time was running out, so i made us some brekkie and quickly threw on several layers so i could help J scrape the snow off the car. I stuffed my camera in my pocket so i could capture the moment.

We brought along some table salt, thinking it would help. It didn't. It just rested on top of the snow and did jack shit. So much for that idea. We needed rock salt for the road to help dissolve the snow.


Multi-purpose mop


Christmas tree all year round

The playground around the corner from our front door

The view from the bridge down below

The bridge from our balcony

I haven't seen so much snow in ages. Everything was covered and the snow crunched under the weight of my boots. I could see the ducks charging towards me as i approached the bridge. I'm guessing they thought i was there to feed them. WRONG! Sorry, was only being a tourist. The radio DJ said that there was 25 cm of snow that fell during the night and that people should expect more light snow later.


I checked the weather forecast and apparently tomorrow is going to be a frosty high of -4˙C and a low of -13˙C. They even include how cold it actually FEELS with the wind factor; a super low of -21˙C!

OMG, can you say, "NIPPLES!"

I was outside in -5 just a few days ago and i sure am not going to be galavanting outdoors tomorrow! But that's ok, it'll keep me from getting distracted [i hope].

Anyway, i've agreed to take on some freelance work. My client is based overseas. It's a huge project that requires my full concentration for the next few months. I'm a little nervous about getting back into the swing of things but i just have to bite my tongue and just DO IT. Hopefully it'll keep me focused when J gets admitted into hospital in February.

And to show how serious this job is, i've even put in an order online for the new Adobe CS4 Standard package... no more piracy shit allowed! It's been quite awhile since i got my creative juices working but the money is good and i can't complain. Well at least i'm doing something productive. Wish me luck.

Yes. The Design whore in me needs to eat.


Ms. Redd said...

ack!! the snow is massive over there huh? i love the shot from the bridge... its so pretty. :)

happy new year babe, may 2009 bring you warmer winter nights haha, more canoodling and snuggling... ;)

winkris said...

Heya Ms.Redd! Well actually it's quite rare for THIS much snow in this area. But yea the shot from the bridge is my favorite.

People looking out their windows must have been very confused seeing an Asian girl carrying a mop around outside this morning... LOL.

But yes happy new year to you too hun! Hope you have a fantabulous year ahead.
