Saturday, February 28, 2009

Furry Perceptions and First Impressions.

It took one week of waiting.
A 25 minute drive there and back.
3 hour visit.
36 photos later.
3 scratches
and a 13-hours to think-it-over.

Only to be told over the phone by a complete stranger, that they thought "we" were not a suitable couple for her feline babies. Her reason was, and i quote "...she felt we didn't have a heart". Or something like that. The translation from German to English is still quite hazy.

But what the fuck, right? That was totally not what i was expecting to hear this morning. And considering we sat with them for so long, asked so many questions and even browsed through their official Norwegian Forest Cats' documentation. I mean, i thought we left a good impression. I even thought they liked us. Proof that first impressions do matter and that "within the first three seconds of a new encounter, you are evaluated… even if it is just a glance" [stolen from here].

But after J told me the news, it was like a slap to the face. I was like a fish out of water. And my initial comment was, "Stupid bitch! Who does she think we are? What does she mean we have no heart?"

Then my heart sank.

Images of the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz flashed in my head. And like a little girl i balled my eyes out, lost my appetite and sat in the kitchen. J later spent the next hour trying to comfort me. Sadly, we all tend to make judgments on others. Some choose to keep it to themselves, whilst others are more outspoken.

I'm not sure what i'm more upset/disappointed about, a) The fact that we got rejected b) We aren't getting Derry and Darcy c) That some complete stranger was so quick to judge and make assumptions or d) Our search continues.

I guess there's so many ways of dissecting what could have gone wrong.

What was said or not not said. Did we leave a good impression? Did we not? Why didn't we tell them more about our background of how we met? Would it have even mattered? I mean we are so open to tell anyone and everyone about our history but the one person we should have tried to convince were the breeders who probably thought we just turned 21, incompetent since i stay at home and may decide i cannot care for them.

But maybe it's a blessing in disguise. A lesson to be learnt.

Maybe it's a crude awakening to show that if a person really loves something so bad he/she should then act upon it immediately. And maybe our initial hesitation to say YES immediately was our gut instinct telling us something.

And the only way i can console myself is to simply tell myself, Derry and Darcy weren't meant to be. Oh and last but not least, i do have a heart, damn it!

1 comment:

Swasti Khetan said...

Ich mochte diese Informationen sehr. Vielen Dank dafür.