Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Determination is the key.

It was SuperHeroShoes' last day, so we decided to have farewell drinks at the nearby pub. I guess any excuse for a few drinks is better than none. And what would ordinarily be a few pints ended up being a bottle of whiskey.

The one thing about alcohol is it allows people to be at their element. Any reason to de-stress is good. [I guess any alcohol abuser would use that as an excuse].

Everything was going well until SuperHeroShoes decided to go to her car and whilst we continued on drinking she found her rear window was shattered. We all don't think it was a break-in since nothing was taken and our conclusion was it must be the pressure.

But considering the circumstances she was very calm. And once the police report was lodged and all that was sorted, Ekamon and i decided to have a bite at Coffee Bean. Which is where we ended up having a deep and meaningful conversation about Life, Relationships and Careers... [a common theme lately] and as one does on a Tuesday evening!

And i've realised so much has happened to me in the past 2 weeks, i blame the recent lunar eclipse!

And since then i've been forced to digest it all in one go. Fortunately, things are working out and i realise i'm entering a new phase in my life. A chapter that i'm not familiar with but at the same time am very open to experiencing... which is odd since "change" has never been something i've been very comfortable with.

However, this time i'm honestly making an effort to look at opportunities objectively. Whether it takes me anywhere i don't know but at the end of the day i know that i've tried. YES it is ALL ABOUT ME! And nobody deserves to be treated like shit no matter who you are. Previously i'd sit back and let time fly by and not give a rats arse but this time it's different.

Hmmm... *thinks*

So without sounding too philosophical and i'm able to stop myself from rambling on and on, i think i should head to bed.

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