Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Magenta in yo' face.

I'm trying to inject colour in my life both literally and metaphorically, never mind that 90% of my wardrobe remains in the darker spectrum of the colour wheel. But i figured what better way to start then to have a screaming 'wham bam thank you mam!' masthead.

Plus i had enough of my previous one and wasn't feeling the whole sprouting and shattered love hearts anymore. So until i can think of something else fantastic or worthwhile creating then i'll have to leave it to typography to do the talking.

Don't worry your eyes will adjust to its' brightness.

Oh and i even managed to catch up with my dad who happened to be in KL for an emergency meeting. I was really happy to see him, even though i saw him a few weeks back. We ate at Delicious, which i am a complete fan of, and as usual i managed to stuff myself silly.

But always am able to leave room for dessert and coffee... mmmm.

Then after work i found myself wandering the aisles at Pet Safari and then following the marked arrows on Ikea's flooring with MissSeniorPisces.

But if money wasn't an issue and if fish weren't so icky to touch i'd love to own a massive aquarium, just like those ones that those super stars own on Cribs. Yes i know i'm too damn lazy to clean the tank and i know Satan's Spawn would have a field day trying to fish them out. So i guess that cancels that thought. One can always dream.

Overall i had a fruitful day but all that walking has tired my feet out and i need to pass out now.

Good night.

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