Monday, August 20, 2007

The Chase.

Attraction by Graeme Harris
[Borrowed from]

I'm sure i'm not the only one when i say this but the thrill of the chase is far better than being caught, in my opinion that is. No, i'm not talking about an episode on Animal Planet but the nature of Attraction between Individuals.

And before you even think anything, NO i am not part of any big hide-and-seek game. I was just reflecting on personal past experiences and somehow it got stuck in my head this evening.

I was never one of the top A students in English class but i as i grew older i found the beauty of the English language more fascinating. Just the fact that it allows one to twist its' meanings [i guess that's where metaphors come in] and depending on its subject matter, it can very confusing especially to those who's English is not their mother tongue. But what i find interesting is depending on how the information is presented, it can be interpreted differently just by the tone of voice.

It's great!

I guess it's like flirting. The use of body language can automatically determine the comfort levels of an individual without them even saying a word. It's that underlying meaning that's borderline plain naughty.

Yes, it's that thrill of the chase that makes it all so terrifying yet satisfying especially when efforts are recognised. It makes one feel like a little school kid blushing from ear to ear. Not knowing what will happen next and the build up of sexual charge is even more intoxicating especially if the game is played right.

One can't deny that being on the receiving end is like having a little boost to ones' ego. A reminder that one isn't just another stain on the wall and there is in fact admiration.

But then i wonder, what happens to those individuals who thrive on this particular 'chase' but never intend to be caught? As if the minute they're close to being conquered, the game is over and the interest is lost just as fast as it started.

Don't mind me... i'm lost in my own thoughts.


Anonymous said...

the chase is thrilling but sometimes you want to be caught by the man u my case the hottie maple syrup bagette..ehehehehe
let the magic begin...

-the chick who got the stars shining on her at freaking long last -

Anonymous said...

BAGUETTE.. I GET IT! my hottie wont mind my spelling mistakes..he will be wrapped with my 6 touchy feely arms..ahahahahahah

winkris said...

I'll excuse you because you're floating on cloud 9... =p