Sunday, August 19, 2007

Reflections on Life

It's Monday morning and i should be fast asleep. But due to my erratic weekend sleeping habits, i was passed out pretty much all throughout the day. No, i didn't have a wild night on Saturday. If you must know, i spent my Saturday at home. Sleeping. Yes, i was alone.

I had plans to go into the office on Sunday but when i finally made it out of bed it was close to sunset and realised if i did go, i'd be wasting another hour. But with a Monday deadline hovering above me it didn't give me much choice. So i chose to work from home in the comfort of my hot pink Paul Frank boxers and super comfy black singlet.


So now that my work is done, i've successfully depleted my creative juices for the evening and my back is starting to hurt again. But before i head to bed [again], i decided to have a peek at my horoscope. Most of the time they don't make any sense and some are so vague, it leaves me more puzzled than motivated.

But late Sunday's Pisces horoscope seemed to summarize my thoughts;
Without a doubt, it can be said that quality is worth more than quantity. If you pass this short and intensive cycle in solitary, become fully aware of yourself as an independent and creative individual.
Hmmm... perhaps i was destined to live a hermit lifestyle. And rather than make a huge fuss that i may one day be a single, old hag that releases an odor similar to that of cat pee, i might as well accept it and find a way to make the journey more enjoyable.


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