Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Can't say my dating track record is very high, in fact it's practically non-existent. But i know i'm purely to blame since it's not like i go out very often and mingle so much with the "singles".

I know hibernating does absolutely bollocks to my social life especially when it comes to meeting someone. I admit work takes first priority [someone's gotta pay the bills/rent] and should the boys have an event, that usually means i am there to support. [It's no wonder friends have nominated me as Most likely to Live for Music]

But seriously, i'm not sure where the time goes. An optimist would say, "there's ALWAYS time".

Perhaps i just need to sort myself out and start thinking about where this is all leading me. And preferably before i start smelling like a funky old hag and have deep and meaningfuls with my feline companions.



As you can tell, my day has been fruitful. I have nothing to report. So i leave you with Borat's Guide to Dating... ehehe.

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