Friday, September 21, 2007

Hello cavities!

[Taken from Facebook's Bumper Stickers + who probably stole them from some other place]

Each time i look at the snail with the words, I HAS A STIK, i find myself smiling and giggling to myself. I showed Ekamon just now and she didn't find it half as funny. Hmmpf... well now!

I think it's just me. [Proof that even the smallest stupidest things can make me laugh].

But i'm convinced the soya bean drink that i drank earlier had waaaay too much sugar in it AND i've reached the pinnacle of exhaustion for this evening. I think i'll go home now.

Oh yay! It's Friday.

But screw going out because at this present moment, the only thing i'm craving for is... my bed.



Anonymous said...

I'm definitely related to you because that totally made me LOLLLERS :|

winkris said...

I KNOW RITE! ahahhaha...

"You know what mom always says..." *SLAP* HELLO... NO MORE KIKI KAKA! =p

I miss you =(