Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Proof of Age + barefoot in the kitchen

I got carded today by the old man with a white singlet at the hardware store. The store sells cigarettes at a cheaper rate than most places.


Once again, i've given in to the evils of nicotine! Shame on me for polluting my lungs after being smog free for x amount of weeks. Proof that my habit fails to abandon me but i will say i fully intend to be free of it... one day.

So anyway, there i was about to hand over my S$10.80 and the old man looked at me with a blank stare. Was i whispering? Did i not pronounce Marlboro Medium correctly? So i took my headphones off my head, repeated myself and added a smile. He continued to speak to me in a dialect that i didn't understand. He then turned to the other shop assistant and mumbled something to her.

"Uhhh... how old are you?" she said.

I was slightly taken back since it's been awhile since anyone had asked my age. "27." Even saying it sounded strange.

I think both of them were surprised but i guess they took my word for it since they didn't insist on seeing my ID. As i walked out the store lighting up i couldn't help but wonder how should a 27 soon-to-be 28 year old look like?

I merged into a pack of teens heading towards the very same bus stop and looked down at what i was wearing and figured my tied back hair, pink hair band and aqua coloured Miffy t-shirt must have been responsible for shaving off a decade. I must have blended in quite well and should really be thankful for my Asian genes.


But now to add to my spontaneity for the day...

: Ice cream + brownies ::

Believe it or not, i actually quite like baking.

The reason why i didn't do much of it at my old place was because i never had a fully equipped kitchen. Plus my previous gas oven was quite outdated that not even my sweet land lady knew how to work it and i didn't want to risk blowing up the apartment.

But yea, i can be quite handy in the kitchen when i want to be. But i'll confess that i cheated this time round and had the help of Betty Crocker - nothin' wrong with that.

And i wouldn't be lying if i said it tasted damn good!


Anonymous said...

oi you there! chuck that ciggie!

oh and btw, tell your your mum her oven is soooooo clean! i can hardly see into the oven now from the amount of baked oon brown stains that are on the glass panel!!


winkris said...

huh? *waves her hands in the air* yea you! You heard the pony! *points somewhere else* Shame on you... =p

But yea i'm amazed how clean it is too. I'll pass the message on ;)