Friday, January 25, 2008

Off with their head!

Last night was the second time this week that i dreamt of decapitations. It wasn't mine but that of someone else's.

I hate death; be it a natural cause like old age or those done on purpose. I know HATE is a very strong word and i choose not to use it in my vocabulary but in this context, i really do detest it with a passion. Suddenly flashbacks of how i felt about the murder in the apartment below me only months ago brings back that sick feeling. It's one of those one-in-a-million chances that nobody wishes to be part of. Why couldn't it have been a lottery instead? I can't even watch horror movies - except for that one time when my mates conned me into watching The Exorcism of Emily Rose and assured me i'd be ok. Believe me my fingers were covering my eyes and ears most of the time... i wasn't ok. No thanks to an overactive imagination.

Never again.

Well the dream i had earlier this week was a beheading which involved trees. These ancient old tree logs somehow would come out of nowhere and slice through the air and with a clean sweep those around me would have their heads taken off. Strange. Why would trees be swinging in the air? And before i could think why was i spared? The phone rang and jolts me from my slumber. It was my savior on the other line and i hadn't been so relieved to be thrown out of a dream so abruptly.

But this morning's dream was different.

I had started a new job and i was standing outside about to light a cigarette but instead of standing close to the work place, i decided to venture further away. Running towards an underground car park as if i were late to meet someone i barge through the heavy fire exit doors. There before me are what looks like 2 vehicles crushed by falling debree. Above the crime scene is a faulty plaster ceiling. And in the far corner another van but with its back window broken.

I could overhear a conversation as peramedics are attending to the injured. People are whispering to one another and covering their children's eyes for whatever had fallen through the ceiling had come down with such force. And like a freak of nature swung across like giant sized golf sticks leaving behind lifeless bodies to crumble to the ground. But where are their heads?

Stiff black body bags carry away what is left of what once was breathing.

I turn to go back, forgetting who i was to meet and i'm in a fire escape stairwell. It looks different from the hallway i had just come from. I climb the stairs and try to back track my steps. But everything looks unfamiliar since i am new to the area, i seem to have lost my sense of direction. Suddenly it feels like i'm looking for a classroom. Am i back in school? I have no schedule with me, i only know that i have to be somewhere.

I see a woman walking beside me. She looks like she's one of the paramedics from the crime scene. She's wheeling around various sized bags on a heavy cargo trolley. One looks very similar to the body bag i saw earlier but half the size.

So i quickly make my way to an elevator. I see her approaching me and the thought of sharing an enclosed space with a dead body strikes fear in me. The woman speaks to me but i can't make out what she's saying. She unloads the bags and tosses them in the corner beside me and one of the bags open. I can see the legs! OH MY GAWD... where is the rest of it? I don't wait to find out or even bother asking.

Before i know it, i'm running the other direction down endless hallways. Unfamiliar faces walk past me lost in their own worlds and ignoring my puzzled look. People appear from all corners half naked as if nudity is the norm.


I wake up to the whisper of the air-conditioner. Confused as to where i am for a split second, i return my focus to my surroundings and realise where i am. I walk to the computer to read a reassuring email that simply reads, "mu" and i breathe out a sigh of relief.

And so i google the meaning;
This dream suggests that the dreamer is losing control. In a decapitation there is a dramatic and violent separation of the head from the body. Under normal circumstances the mind controls and directs the body. This dream suggests that the dreamer may be under the control of his bodily drives and may be separated from rational thoughts and feelings. Disassociation may be occurring in regard to some behavior or issue in life. However, this dream may have other meanings. This includes excessive concern about punishment and indicates that there may be severe pressure and anxiety in the dreamer's life. [source]

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