Thursday, June 08, 2006


I swear... ahahha... man we're all gonna miss you Duke. You know from the first time i met you [which hasn't been that long though] and until now, all i can is it's been unreal. You are a true champion! Not a dull moment, totally cracks me up.

Anyway, we're just chillin listening to some tunes, talking all sorts of crap [as usual]. Momen [i'm so sure i fucked up his name] is standing on the table getting all the attention. Oh and by the way he's exposing himself... fuckin' shameless... but damn cute. [in case you were wondering, i'm talking about his dog... ahaha]. Jeff is passed out... soul train man... confirmed.

Mate there's no place like your place, everytime we hear the screetching chairs... for sure we'd be cracking up and thinking of you buddy! Enjoy your bubble tea straw [which i'm sure you will... ehehe]. Oh and cheers for the invitation to Bangkok but mate i don't have my passport with me and it's a bit late... your cab is arriving in like half an hour. But no worries, we'll see you REAL soon.


FROM Bruce, Jeff and Chrissie... always the last ones standing... ehehhe.

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