Sunday, February 11, 2007

XPARTY partially remembered

As usual, the night began at Terrace Bar with Heinekin. As time ticked on, more and more people arrived. Tonight was XPARTY with Bass Agents + Fono. Supastar and Agro were in no hurry to get inside, as they were only scheduled to start playing at 1am. But for some, the party had begun and Black Label was the flavor for the night. It was just past midnight when we decided to go inside.

By the time the boys came on, Zouk was packed! It was nearly impossible to move anywhere without getting smooshed into the corner. Having found myself a place to sit, i pretty much stayed there all night.

That was until i decided i'd take some photos and make my rounds of hugs. Which often was followed by, "CHRISSIE... HAVE A DRINK WITH ME!" So me being me and welcomed to the idea, i say SURE thing... THANKS!

Which is probably something i shouldn't do too often, as i can never be too sure what is actually being poured into it. Except that it "smells" like whiskey and any odd taste can easily be mistaken for a bad mix.

And although that night was not the first time my drink MIGHT have been laced with something other than liquor. One can never tell who was responsible. I admit, i don't remember much of what happened after i took the following photos. Because one second i'm chatting and smiling and then the next i'm chucking part of my guts out... *hides*

[To view the above images, you can perve on them at].

So i get ushered home and hopefully without making a huge scene, i get back home in one piece. But then again, the chances of making a silent getaway is slim slim seeing that the venue was packed like a can of sardines. I'm just hoping i didn't embarrass myself or do anything stupid prior to being rescued.

My journey home has mysteriously been erased from my memory banks and about 90% of happened in the hours following, i can't remember. But i can only piece together what i think might have happened. But the 10% that i do recall is very sketchy and it's one of those things that all one can do is accept it and move on.

But a lot went on when i got home but unfortunately only segments flash through my mind. Which in a way is quite freaky since it was apparent i was semi-functional and even had enough energy to take a shower [which i don't remember doing]. Honestly, i can't imagine myself climbing over the bathtub and standing up right without smacking my head on the side. In fact, i don't remember even how i got up the stairs.

KEYNOTE: Consciousness is the lesser of all evils.

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