Thursday, January 18, 2007

Crusty the Cat.

I am convinced that Smooks has contracted ear mites from the place where i usually have him stay whilst i run off for my short get aways. I'm getting all itchy thinking about what might be crawling around in his ear. And although i've read that it's highly contagious between animals, i don't have to worry that it'll be passed on to humans.

And before anything drastic happens, like his ear falling off and me running around frantically trying to reattach a broken appendage, i have to drag his arse to the vet.

I remember last months visit to the vet, where he went absolutely mental after the vet injected him with his 2nd vaccination, my fear is he'll turn into this possessed spawn of Satan if anyone goes near his ear. So not only is he gonna have his ear prodded with foreign utensils but he's due for another vaccination... thank gawd i'm not a vet! Plus next month i will have to admit him to go for the "SCHNIP"! Which hopefully will eliminate his obsession with nibbling on me and possibly marking his territory in the future, since i am forever in and out of the apartment.

But seriously, i've noticed this weird crusty crap that sits on the top of his ear and i've noticed this scab like thing that has mysteriously migrated to the back of his head too. So until it clears Smooks will be known as Mr. Crusty the Cat. And seeing that my working hours are during the vets operating hours, i have to somehow whisk myself away slightly earlier but once that's sorted and Crusty continues to sulk in the corner for putting him up to all that torture, i'm going to meet up with my dad [who happens to be in the country for a business trip] and have dinner. YAY... food!

It doesn't help that today i'm heaps busy trying to finish up all my work and do the amendments that the client has come back with, so i can focus on working on a pitch that's due next week.

BUT there is a high chance that i MIGHT be whisking myself away to go up North for the weekend. Which will also mean i will have to book in Crusty at that pet place for the weekend. Oh no! So many things to do and [what seems like] so little time.


Anonymous said...

you could check him in at the vets for the time you'll be away and you could get him treated during that time. BAM two birds with one stone.

or, 10000 mites with one swab.

ewwwwww now I'm itchy lolol

winkris said...

ewwww... yea i'm like itchy and it doesn't help that i've got like [insert: exaggeration] a jillion mozzie bites.

But never mind, change of plans, i'm not going away anymore.