Friday, April 13, 2007

Planet Unicorn 2... Heyyy

So i receive an email from my writer to watch Planet Unicorn. So i'm thinking, great it's some "My Little Pony" revival moment and soon i'll receive a Care Bears link.

Within seconds of logging into Youtube i'm giggling away at it's stupidity and overall gayness. But then to find out there is a part 2 and that leaves me pissin' myself with laughter whilst my boss looks at me wondering why i'm laughing hysterically behind my screen.

So i just thought i'd share. Ok maybe some of you may think it's not so funny but it sure beats reading any depressing shit. And yes my sense of humor is slightly twisted.

LOL @ "Give it up for Feathers..." and Cadillac's accent!


Anonymous said...

LOL crying/dying, that rhymes

OMG this was so lame that it was funny. Chris is making a "wtttfffff is unicorn planet" face LOLLOLOL he looks scared

so ghey!!! I love it.

the accent, it sounds like that guy from that 70s show- the foreign one lOL

winkris said...

Yea... my thoughts exactly! It's sooooo bad but ya gotta laugh cause of how bad it is.
