Monday, April 02, 2007

A Mother and Daughter conversation.

So i made my weekly phone call to my mother last night, a time to update one another about our lives and for her to check up on my mental status. As i'm sure most mothers out there will agree that they have some secret homing device otherwise known as 'motherly instinct' should there be anything wrong with their child. It must be the tone of my voice since that is usually the biggest give away.

I had just returned home from the tattoo shop and i still had the cling wrap attached to my back. Satan's spawn had just woken up and with his super sonic hearing could hear the crinkle of the medical tape and cling wrap against my singlet. His chit chatter got louder and louder as i continued to speak with my mom. I think he thought i was talking to him and i had to excuse myself just so he would stop.

Then after asking her how she was and if everything was alright, she returned the question and asked me how my day was. Which was when i busted out with, "I've been good. Oh and by the way i got a tattoo... eehhee hee"

"Another one?" Which was then followed with an extended pronunciation of my name as if she meant to say, OH GOD NOT AGAIN.

And with an ounce of worry in her tone she asks, "Where?" And seeing that both my parents agree that the tattoo on the under side of my forearm looks "classy" they feel any additional work on it would lose it's elegance.

She continued with, "Please Chriiiiiiis, not so many tattoos". I think she worries that if i have so many visible tattoos, i won't find a suitable companion and that my tattoos will in fact scare any potential suiters and give them the wrong idea. Clearly, if they judge a book by its' cover they won't go far. I don't think i'm a very scary person.

I replied with, "It's on my back, don't worry". I didn't of course tell her what it was or the size but i imagine she's picturing something small like a little flower or something. I then continue with, "...but it's my 2nd part to my birthday present to myself".

And before she could dive into anymore questions, i quickly changed the topic and that was the end of that. *smiles* But i reckon she'll like it.

I clearly remember when my sister got her first tattoo, my mom's initial response was, "go to the bathroom and wash it off". Hoping that it was temporary and that her first born wouldn't be branded for life. That of course didn't stop there since she continued to ink herself.

And i think deep down my mother hoped that her youngest daughter would keep to the piercings [although she was convinced after my second hole in my ear would be the last] and that i wouldn't even consider getting a tattoo.

She was wrong.

But like with every new piercing or ink i get done, she takes one glance and just smiles. And when it comes to things like that, i think our parents have just come to the point where they just can't say anything anymore because they know we'll just go ahead and do it anyway. I guess they trust our judgments and at the end of the day, it is our body. It's not like we've turned out to be serial killers or have harmed anyone in the process.

I think we turned out alright.


Ms. Redd said...

haha kinda almost the same reaction i used to get. but yeah...on the part on judging the book by its cover..

my mom would look at boys with tattoos and piercings and think that they were part of some gangster/serial-murderer/drug-pusher shit...
until i said.. think of how others judge me and how wrong they are to judge by the looks...nyahaha

and that shut her up for quite a long time...the only response i get now for new inks... is a looooooooong sigh...and a loud AIYO hahah

cheers...for the love of ink

winkris said...

Msredd: Well it's just how society is i guess. I get random mothers who grab hold of their childen and start staring [as if i'm going to bust out and knock them over the head... puhlease! I'm more afraid of their child knocking me over and screaming].

Then there are old women who give me nasty looks when they see me waiting in line.

But i've come to accept that there will be lovers and haters in this world and each to their own i guess.


calvism said...

+ its the haters that make the lovers out of us =)

winkris said...

Calv: I guess it's a bit like that saying, "Don't hate the player, Hate the Game".

Although, the word HATE is such a strong word... i prefer to use DISLIKE but it doesn't quite sound right"