Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Depleting bank accounts and holiday fever

A short visit to the shrink this morning so i can get my prescription. Only to be informed that the hospital has run out of my meds BUT were decent enough to keep me ONE box which should last me 2 weeks. I'm still on the same dosage and i have to monitor my sleeping habits for the next month. AND hopefully this short break will do wonders and i MIGHT just be able to have my meds halved! *fingers always crossed*

I didn't end up seeing my Thyroid doctor at the end since he hasn't gotten back to me and that can only mean that my T3 and T4 levels are stable... so YAY for me! So another swipe to the plastic and i am once again RM404.82 poorer. And with a medical time slip in hand, i return to the office to do some work.

But i made sure that i trotted along to the nearby travel agent during lunch to get travel insurance otherwise i'll get my head chopped off for not being prepared incase of an emergency. Had a peek at my ever growing depleting bank account and i just realised that i have A LOT less than i had thought.

With just enough for spending money and a bit of shopping whilst i'm there, i didn't put into account my credit card bill... ehehe. But i'm HOPING i can pick up my claims cheque TOMORROW and persuade the nice sweet lady behind the Priority Banking desk that i need the money... like NOW.

Despite knowing that when i return i will be in debt until my next pay cheque, i figured i'll let myself stress about that when i return. But because i like to make my life difficult, i have left things for last minute and my list of errands continues to grow...

  1. Harass HR for my claims
  2. Wipe out what is left in my other bank account
  3. Withdraw current savings
  4. Sort out my credit card
  5. Change money
  6. Buy pressies
  7. Pay bills
  8. Do laundry
  9. Tidy apartment
  10. Finish work
  11. PACK!

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