Not only have i managed to waste my arvo watching silly youtube vids that Poster Boy has sent me, which i must say TOTALLY made my day. Unfortunately, i cannot share these vids with you as that would be too cruel as i would feel slightly guilty for my non-stop laughter, not because they were funny but merely out of embarrassment.
But once that was over, i tried my best to get back into the swing of work but somehow got distracted once again. For some reason, i started thinking of the good ole' Etch-A-Sketch. I'm sure i had one when i was younger but seeing that i have no recollection of anything that remotely resembles anything creative, i'm sure my love for it was short lived.
I never really had much patience with things that was time consuming but now that i think about it, i wouldn't mind owning one.
Then i came across Etched in Time a site of this guy, George Vlosich III, who has managed to recreate images with the use of an Etch-A-Sketch that relies on one continuous line. Apparently spending 60-70 hours on each unique piece!
I on the other hand, spent 10 minutes with my creation and that was already stressing me out. But if you have the patience or the need to procrastinate just a LITTLE BIT MORE, there's an online Etch-A-Sketch screen for you to have a play with. And if you suddenly realise you've got some talent, i THINK they're selling the Etch-A-Sketch boards at Toys R Us. So instead of taking up knitting, i might consider adding one of these to my collection of "what was i thinking" items.
grrr which vids :P :P
btw check out the verification code I got today here:
cool eh? :D
ehehe @ winkst. What would have been cooler is if it were
winkey =p
Dammit! I'm hooked! Just spent the last 20 mins playing the Etch-A-Sketch! I had one as a kid but gave it away to a friend's daughter who promptly decided to give it the crash test off the 2nd story balcony. R.I.P E-A-S.
Yea i'm [THIS] close to trotting along down to Toys R Us to grab me one... ehehhe.
But with all access to the internet and another reason to procrastinate, i don't think my boss will be too happy. Hmmmm.
stick to grapic design buddy, leave the etchinsketch to the professionals
ahahha... fucker! =p
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