Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Scarlet, where art thou?

Once upon a time i was a loyal Dolly and Cleo reader but when other expenses came into play, i figured all those Does My Boyfriend Love Me quizzes and A Dozen Ways of Applying [insert type of make-up] & Still Look HOT! articles really didn't interest me anymore. Don't get me wrong, i do occasionally get suckered into buying those kind of mags but i find that they're just a waste of time.

So anyway, sometime back i walked into the nearby convenience store to purchase a pack of cancer sticks. As i was waiting for a friend i decided to direct my attention to the rows of magazines with photoshopped flawless faces on the covers.

And because i'm not a loyal follower to any particular one and like most, unless the model at the front is appealing i won't bother and just flip through half heartedly. I turned to the basket beside the cashier and there were at least 2 dozen past editions of random magazines; Home & Living, Archies and PC mags.

That was until i saw it. The cover had Dita in a jewelled red corset and above it the word Scarlet; The UK's Hottest Women's Magazine.

So i'm thinking, hang on!

Here i am in relatively family orientated neighborhood and in a country that is somewhat conservative when it comes to even having a woman in spaghetti straps on billboards, is this magazine for real?

Had it somehow slipped through the customs? Had it fallen off some truck and landed in the store by accident? Or was i going to be disappointed that the images of cleavages and any sexual content was going to be crudely ripped out.

It was sealed in a plastic wrap.

It was only RM10, so i figured i'll check it out and purchased it.

As i stripped the plastic layering off and to my delight there were no ripped pages and neither were there any nipples covered with black markers. One article was accompanied by beautifully drawn images by Velvet Purse, better categorized as Erotic fine art.

Seriously, there is nothing filthy about it but then again it all depends on how you look at it. But in this day in age where sex can be viewed as something natural just as it's part of ones' daily skin regime, i say why not? Bring it on!

And who better way to explain its' content but Scarlet's editor;
"Scarlet is packed with hot semi-naked men, true confessions, forthright sex features, lingerie to lust over and erotic literature (aptly named Cliterature).

It's the first magazine catering to female sexuality in the same way that men's magazines have been looking after the boys for years." []
Unfortunately i haven't seen another issue, otherwise they would have gained another loyal reader.


Anonymous said...

omg so they didn't put a big black line over the eyes and nipples and draw a tudong on her head??? *Gasp*


and did you make the word verification thingy harder? lol


I almost broke my brain trying to type that.

winkris said...

ahahha... i know rite! I was totally expecting like 2 PAGES inside!

lol @ word verification... yea man one of these days those bots are gonna take ova the world! =p