Saturday, May 19, 2007

Life without balls and a whole load of laundry.

The past 24 hours or so, i've been taking care of my nut-less kitty.

When i brought Satan's Spawn back from the vet, he was super grumpy because the drugs were wearing off. He was walking around looking half drunk and stumbling into things, it was quite disturbing to watch. I've made sure that he's been kept comfortable and haven't made any sudden movements. He hasn't said that much, in fact the meowing has stopped. But then again if i was him and suddenly woke up missing my gems, i wouldn't be talking to me either.

But he's recovering well and the swelling has gone down slightly but i reckon his cowboy impersonation will be around until he fully recovers.

So anyway, i had good intentions of going out today. I even woke up early [not by choice mind you]. It was a case of one of those annoying internal body clock issues when you WANT to sleep late but your body screams, CANNOT. Then the next thing you know you're standing in the kitchen with hair temporarily pasted to the side of your face and making a cup of coffee.

And being the domesticated hermit i seem to be training for, i spent my Saturday loading and unloading my top loader not once but three times. And it doesn't end there, i still have more to do tomorrow. [I blame my bed sheets for taking up 2 loads!]

So whilst waiting, i ended up watching Because I said So. Which i have to say was a good movie. I'm not so much of a Mandy Moore fan but i had seen the preview some time ago and was intrigued. Although my parents don't intrude in my love life [or the lack of it], it made me think about my life, my single life.


But by mid afternoon it started to piss down hardcore, as it usually does. And instead of watching static black and white dots across the tv, i found myself taking a siesta break for about an hour or two.

Maybe it was the combination of rain, the lack of sleep or i was late for my meds again because my subconscious was soaked with pornographic images. I can't remember all of it in detail but it was enough to get any heart racing.

That's the most action i've seen lately but believe me, i have no complaints... it's better than nothing... ehehe.

Oh well.

The boys [Bass Agents] are playing at Baze Club at Renaissance Hotel tonight. And as always we're all going to show some love and support.

I believe it's free entry before 10pm for guys and girls get in for free until midnight. All other times are RM35 and it includes 1 drink.

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