Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Conducter? No i said, Promoter.

So yesterday i received a SMS from a random:

Pls stop SMS to me.

So i'm thinking, *HANG ON, i don't even have this person in my phonebook, how is it possible to even contact this person*

So i reply with, But i didn't send you a SMS, except for this one.


Fine. So i didn't think much of it and carried on with my day. Then i receive a phone call from a number that i don't recognise. The male individual clearly sounded annoyed by the fact that i even answered his call.

Him: Hello, who's this?

Me: Ummm... Christina. Who's this?

Him: [insert chinese name]. Who are you? You... keep sending me messages about some club...

Me: Huh? But i never sent you any messages.

[I can hear him fumbling with the phone, then begins to read the message to me].

Me: Oh, i think the club used my number as the sign off number, i'm sorry i didn't know. I'm just the head promoter for Hardsequence.

AngryChineseMan: What? Hard what!? What is that? Conductor?? I don't think it's good conduct for a club to be using your number [insert various reasons, why he's soOoo pissed off].

Me: Ummm, no i'm one of the Promoters for Hardsequence.

AngryChineseMan: Conducter???

Me: NooOoooo PROMOTER! [by this time, i'm getting irritated cause he's yelling at me]. I'm sorry i didn't know. Maybe you went to the club opening and you gave them your number.

AngryChineseMan: I want you to take my number off your list!

Me: But sir, like i said i don't even have your number. I didn't even know that this message was sent out. I have no control of what the Management does and i can't get a hold of the database.

AngryChineseMan: What club is this? Where? I want you to take my number and get it removed!

Me: Ok what's your name and number and i'll see if i can sort this out. Really i didn't know anything about this.

AngryChineseMan: Ok fine. You better tell, what's that club... Ruums that i don't want to be receiving their messages.

Me: Ok fine, i'm sorry, i didn't know.


*Checks inbox... Sees message titled RUUMS club*
RUUMS is bck wth a new global session 4 u all. B there on 22.7.06 to check out Aust best, PHD with Hardsequence. Tickets: RM35 + 1D @ 012.6227856. CU TERE!
First off, to those who have received any messages from me, i would not have written it in that way and neither would i end a SMS with CU TERE!

[Hopes to god that the club doesn't send that AngryChineseMan another message, otherwise i'll have some stalker guy wanting to chop off my head and fingers!!]
BUT yes... if any of you do want presales for the HS vs PHD event at Ruums... please feel free to SMS me your name and before Saturday 22nd July, and i'll get you on my presales list... RM35 +1D but YOU MUST be at Ruums before 11.30pm!
PS/ SOUL-T will be bringing down a few PHD T-shirts and hoodies, so get there early before they're all sold out.


Ms. Redd said...

hahha it's sounds so damn funny...the whole conversationg btwn u and the angrychineseman that is!!!
so umm....let's hope he will not CU TERE

winkris said...

I swear, he was damn fuckin angry... if i were using a 3G phone, i'd be worried to be outdoors...

He'll come find me... but seriously though, talk about ANGERRRRY! Seriously, he needs to take a HAPPINESS or LOVE pill or somethin... or maybe he just didn't get laid last night... *shrugs*

As for the rest of you... SEE YOU ON THE DANCE FLOOR! =p

Me said...

so ganas the fella. wanna die is it?
so stupid.

xes said...

hAHHAhahAH i've always wonder how u could afford sending so many SMS to people every week! now i know its done by the club :D

winkris said...

xes: Actually that's the first time i noticed it. I usually got the SMS but never really paid much attention to it.

Although i do save most contacts and SMS those people who book presales from me each week & it adds up to about 40-50 SMS/week JUST on notifying them of the upcoming event minus replying to them to say that i've received their message.