Monday, July 10, 2006's good exercise.

I dreamt of my ex that i was with 12 years ago. He looked the same as he did the last time i saw him, it was as if time had not done any damage. He was there with his best mate and chatting like they usually had done 12 years ago. We were in some kind of ski resort type mall that smelt of freshly baked waffles.

I dream of past relationships that merge with my current friendships surrounded in a surreal environment. Usually realistic that i often awake into my reality unsure whether i am waking up or my reality is actually my dream. For the past year my subconscious regularly chooses sex, drugs and music as the common themes. But this time... it was different, it was normal.

There was no emotional attachment and i talk to him, like an old friend i hadn't seen in awhile. There is some tension but not uncomfortable that i have to leave. I walk around like i am actually there. Just like a movie, the camera backs up and we are in full view. Surrounded by high school friends whom i haven't seen in over 10 years. Neither one of us looking much different than our rebellious years during our Freshman and Junior high school days.

He comments on my tattoo on arm and nods his head with approval, as he once did when i got my first tattoo at 15.

I emerge into my reality slightly confused as i'm lying there staring at my clock that screams 8:00. I attempt to shield the light and cover my exposed body from the air-conditioning. And before i know it, i fall back to sleep almost immediately, neatly tucking myself back in with my doona.

I eventually remove myself from my sanctuary and walk towards the main road. The one and only taxi that drives by, refuses to take me to my destination [seeing that it's so nearby].

He laughs and when i say, "But it's soOoo close..."
His response was, "...well then, it's good exercise" and continues to laugh.
*under my breath* Fine, screw you if you don't want my money.
*grumble grumble*

And end up walking to the office blaring my tunes from my iPod. Monday stroll to the office and one step closer to buns of steel... hmmph.

THINGS TO DO TODAY: I MUST get my arse to the Specialist Hospital to pick up my prescription otherwise there's no telling what might happen.

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