Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The HUNT and THE hunted.

I have come to the conclusion, whether one is the girlfriend, the ex, the rebound, the one-night stand, the fling, the only option or friend with benefits, the initial courting is pretty much the same.

No matter how old or how inexperienced he is, when it comes to that three letter word, the excitement of the 'chase' is more appealing than the aftermath. [What goes on after he's blown his load is much of a mystery to her].

Screw the feelings, since the anticipation of whether or not she gives in is where the excitement lies. And to makes things fair, perhaps the excitement on her side is seeing whether or not he's got enough balls to make the first move. Or not.

But what happens after? After you politely excuse yourself and say good-bye. Suddenly the overnight attention and friendly words of comfort is replaced with an awkward silence. Both parties selfishly using the other to add to their quota and the reassurance that they can attract the opposite sex.

Some may choose to brag about their conquest and there are those few specimens who choose to deny such matters, refusing to conjure up any memories when the topic is brought up. Regret on his part? Most likely. [And the evidence shows which head he was thinking with].

Was the act of passion a one off? Or was it an invitation for future get togethers? That's not the point. The savage beasts are soon back on the hunt sniffing out the unattainable but eager to devour them and leave them helpless.

But in the eyes of society such act of crude passion just emphasizes her whore factor whilst it helps promotes his manly status. But why is she the whore, when both parties came into the situation wanting the same excitement and release. Strange how gender inequality suddenly plays a huge part.


LeeWah said...

Streotypes at its best babe.

It's always been that way in AU. If a guy goes to a party and scores 5 times, he's a legend.

If a girl does the same, she's a slut.

Looks like I just got the good end of the deal.

The only exception is Schoolies week where everyone is equal and trying to do the same thing. Ah, the memories.

winkris said...

lol @ schoolies week... fortunately, i never took part in such shinanigans but i can only imagine it would be some kind of fck fest... aahaha.

LeeWah said...

Schoolies is the time in a person's life in AU when you start to classify the opposite sex.

Brief descriptions:

a) Life partner (not likely)
b) Let's catch up again sometime
c) Anything goes all night long
d) It was fun, see you later
e) Call yourself a taxi
f) I'd rather chew my arm off than wake you up

winkris said...

Yea i remember when summer would come round and the news would have some feature about it.

lol @ [f]... sounds like the explanation of Coyote Ugly. But then again alcohol can do wonders with altering ones perspective.

Fortunately, i've never had [a], [e] or [f].

Anonymous said...

hi chrissie...been following ur blog for a while now.. big fan...love your articulateness, thoughtfulness and language. =)

#1: well guys might view those girls as sluts but im pretty sure that most of them would gladly sleep with em in a heartbeat..after which they r no longer considered as sluts coz the guy doesnt want to make his conquest look less significant, which it would be if she was 'easy'
#2: at the end of the day..we are all animals.. we do wat makes us happy..we are not programmed to be solely monogamous..as long as both parties consented, hey, no big deal here!
#3: hey, hope things pick up in ur life for you. and i will miss HS too!


winkris said...

hey anon: *blushes* thanks so much. It's good to know who my silent readers are.

Hmmm... well i'm very sure there are monogamous male specimens out there who would beg to differ. But yes, boys will be boys.

And with regards to my life, well... each day is a new day. And that Patience deserves more credit. But yea, one day i'll look back and know that it was worth it all.

But HS ain't dead, we're just resting =)