Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Neverending story.

Recently i've been thinking about the infamous proverb, "Curiosity Killed the Cat".

Choosing Impulse over Common Sense. The thrill of the unknown does wonders but unfortunately like russian roulette, the outcome is not known and often it's too late.

Choosing the sensible route is always the better choice. But of late, false self-made promises wrapped up to look like a cheap thrill is what has become of me. And until the next crossroads, temptation continues to lure Curiosity out of its' dark hole and that is when the gambling process begins.

Trying not to regret any encounters or situations [be it good or bad]. I live a semi private life and only revealing what i want my readers' to know. A choice made because humans have a tendency to make judgments before both sides of the story is heard.

And perhaps, like you, i crave understanding of the situation and for those few minutes that i have your attention... it is just us. Like a quiet conversation between a blind long lost friend and another who happens to be mute.

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