I was so pre occupied with trying to find my fucking cordless black phone that i used in Melbourne [which i'd like to add i have NOT found]. After looking through boxes and opening cupboards, i managed to find just about everything else except what i originally was looking for. I flipped through all photographs which sparked so many great memories. Captured images that had temporarily been erased from my thoughts.
Anyway back to my brain issues. A reminder that i have forgotten to take my Effexor XR, my brain decides to have these brain zaps/jolts... it's like a dull headache soon followed with a jolt to the brain. Difficult to explain if you have no idea what the fuck is going on. Believe me, when i experienced it the first time, i thought i was going crazy. I was freaked out cause i literally thought my head was being thrown about like rollercoaster.
Ok imagine your brain being a dishwashing sponge. You've just finished washing and you're squeezing the sponge to get rid of the excess water [this is how it feels, your brain is being squished at pressure points]. Then just before you put down the sponge, your automatic reflex is to shake the sponge that is in your hand [this is when your brain feels, for a split second. thrown about and back to its' original place, THAT's what the jolt feels like. Or imagine those mosquito zappers, shaped like a tennis racket, the contraption that ends a mozzie's life... it's like that but not fatal of course].
Yea, it's totally fucked up and puts me in a bad mood each time. It fucks up my concentration and creeps up on ya and the feeling just escalates the longer i go without it. I hate it. And obvious sign that i am not normal JUST YET.
I had weird dreams that were staged in my townhouse in Melbourne. Somebody was trying to break into my house. I had a cat and a big labrador, that kept crapping all over the place. And at one point a chicken. Then i was in a shopping mall and an announcement was made to look for this healer. Suddenly staircases heading towards the heavens appeared... which eventually lead me out to this pristine, mountain covered area... it was beautiful. It was picture postcard perfect. Which then lead to a banquet in a hotel ballroom that was packed with people eating desserts. So yea, eventually woke up around 1pm and felt like shit.
My eyes were itchy like fuck and my brain was feeling squished... yay, fuckin yea for me! I remembered after lunch, that i better take my meds otherwise imma pass out. My head was throbbing from a headache but i took those two pink coloured capsules with 75mg on it... and waited. I'm not supposed to stop taking my medication, as my current dosage is high and not taking my meds would result in such jolts [which is what my doc said]. She would rather get me off Stilnox and eventually off my anti-depressants. In 2 weeks i'm supposed to start being weaned off my meds... oOOooooer.
Since moving apartments and resigning from my job, the accumalated stress in the past year or so, is starting to catch up. Not only am i back to losing hair. But my moods are going all haywire. I know this feeling... it's not nice. I don't know whether it's the fact that i was late in taking my meds but i've been sooOoo lethargic and have no desire to even go outside. I even crawled back into bed just now for a good few hours.
But my brain jolts have stopped. As they usually do once i take my dose. I'm wondering how my body will react by the time i'm down to 75mg [half the dosage that i'm currently on]. I've read many horrific withdrawal stories of patients on the same medication. And honestly, i can't afford to have a relapse... not now, not ever.
Apparently, having a relapse is a lot worse than the climax of depression. Which is why i have to be weaned off the meds SLOWLY and allow time for my body to adjust to the reduced consumption. I've read stories of people on medication for years! I've only celebrated my first year, i wonder if by next year i will no longer be on it?
Maybe it's the anxiety of starting my new job or having to deal with such huge changes in my life. I don't know. Well i did a bit of a google search and came across this site. So for any of you who are on the same medication (Effexor XR) and are about to be weaned off... have a read... Oh and an interesting site i came across, it's the person doing research on the drug and is currently getting off it. She blogs about each day and documents the withdrawal stages... http://stuffiwannasay.blogspot.com/
Well it's been 3 days staying at my folks place. Not entirely relaxed and trying to get rid of this fucked up mood his been a challenge. My mom gets excited when things aren't done properly and things must be done then and there. Our personalities often clash and with her impatience and my attitude, often yelling occurs. [But let's not get into that]. I've tried my best to keep my cool but sometimes it totally pisses me off and i just walk off... At times i'm like a melting pot for Anger.
I'm still in my wanky arse mood since yesterday and just got off the phone with my dad, who's in JB. If anything, he knows exactly when i'm not feeling up to par as soon as i say hello, he's just as worried as my mom i think. He gave me words of advice and once he was done preaching, i started to cry and i have no idea why.
And suddenly... i'm not really in any mood to talk to anyone.