Monday, May 15, 2006

Am down with the Sickness!

They say if one is sick or is around individuals who are unwell, one should avoid touching their eyes or nose. That way it'll reduce the chances of getting sick.


WELL NOW! That obviously hasn't worked because i feel kinda crappy NOW! Not only have i been touching my left eye all day [i blame my fucking contact lens on my left eye ball] and rubbing my nose [a habit i do once and while]. I feel the sickness coming on... i swear, i'm like forever getting ill. My regular voice has turned slightly husky, much like one of those bored housewives that answer those 1-800-SEXMEUP phone calls [i'm only assuming that's what they sound like... ahaha]. But unfortunately, as sexy as it probably sounds, i'm feeling like shit!

I blame it on the fact that last night i spent hours at Starbucks drinking my Espresso Frappuccino [it's all lainey's fault... she got me hooked on it =p]. I was busy fucking around with my new USB adapter and trying to connect to TMNet.

YAY! Chrissie is overly excited that she can connect to the outside world!
[I don't have the internet at home. Yes i know that's really ghetto and it never crossed my mind to get it earlier since i use the net at work. I've got a ghetto arse version of a Mac Titanium G4 ~ 1st edition = so Airport is not installed]... apparently it's obsolete!

So there i sat quietly on a Sunday listening to my ipod on full blast, amongst all the other wifi-hogging-blogging-pretending-to-be-working strangers. I got home around 10.30pm and lamed in front of the tv for a bit. Then thought, well since i'm awake, i might as well start spring cleaning.... YEA smart fuckin move Chris!

So around midnight, i was busy clearing away some stuff. And because i'm allergic to dust i couldn't stop sneezing and my eyes were itching like a bitch! [FACT: when i was younger i spent many days in hospital suffering from an Asthmatic cough and because i was so young, they had to give me injections in my feet! I HATE FUCKING INJECTIONS yet i'm TOTALLY cool with piercings... how odd].

So now, not only am i trying my hardest to concentrate on finishing off my jobs before my last day [2 more days baby] but my left eye is pissing me off, my desk still looks lived in AND i have to finish packing! I need to overdose on Vitamin C and Echinacea pills! I refuse to get sick damn it... NOT AGAIN!

TO DO THIS WEEK... [chop-chop chrissie, work faster]:
1) See my doctor for a blood test and check up on my Thyroid [ewwww needles]
2) Get my prescriptions [fuck man, my money is disappearing FAST!]
3) Finish packing up my shit at the office.
4) Apply for a phone line at my new place [so i can spend hours being productive online]
5) Burn my files [so i have proof i actually did most of the shit that i've done]
6) FINISH PACKING! [so i can runaway from my current hell-hole].


laineylashes said...

wheehoo..espresso frapp rawks k. wait till rhumba frapp comes back!! :D

**insert far away look here**
O.O **ddaazzeeddddd..**

YC said...

career suicide?!

i might join you soon. we can sit on our bum and erm...wait for money to fall from the sky?

winkris said...

lainey: indeed it does. It's fucKING RAWking man!!! ehehhe...

yc: i was on the brink of losing it, actually i probably lost it a long time ago... sigh... but after tomorrow i will be officially unemployed.

Hey you may even see me running around bangsar selling packets of tissues and gum to lost tourists! ahahha... omfg no!