Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Soon to be in the 3-digits range.

I have NOW been in the office for just over twelve hours and i don't see myself leaving anytime soon either, I HAVE TO FINISH OFF MY DEADLINE BY TONIGHT! I haven't eaten yet and have been surviving on coffee for the day, i'm stressing and have lost my appetite. Yes not exactly the healthiest at this point in time but i'm starting to stress out again! So many things to do and i just don't know where to start!

Yes the simple answer would be, "DAMN Chrissie, start from the beginning..." and my response to that is... YES i knooOooooow smartarse! But unfortunately there are times lately, i have realised i work better under pressure. And i would say NOW is one of those times. It's fucked up i know and i don't know whether it's laziness or that i just for some odd reason, I HAVE MISPLACED MY PASSION TO GET THINGS DONE PRONTO!

AND before you ask, NO i have not started packing... YES I KNOooOOOoOW i'm running out of time and my motivation to get my OWN shit organised has gone on holiday WITHOUT ME!

ANOTHER stress that i'm having is, originally i was suppsed to start work on June 1st, right... right... but due to my current work permit and all that crap, my new company has allowed me start on July 1st instead. YAY but wait...

THEN i realised, how the fuck am i going to survive one month without work when i have so many things i have to pay off bills/applying for a phone line (remembering here i am an expat and there is a deposit of RM1075 at least... MOTHERFUCKERS)/[insert random expenses]. THERE'S NO FUCKING way i will survive... maybe on crackers and lean my head out the balcony to catch a few droplets of water...[ok, ok, maybe not so drama as that... ahaha].

So much to my disapproval, i have hinted to my company that i can start as early as 7th July... *faints* But then the chick asks me, "so u dont wanna rest til 1st jul?" Of course i wanna rest til then but the question is can i afford to do nothing for a month with a depleting bank account.


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