Isn't it strange how when female friends meet up for a social outing, an array of topics will be discussed over a caffeinated or alcoholic beverage. One may update the other about the latest gossip or how one has occupied themselves in the past X amount of hours. And in some cases, the subject matter may steer towards bagging the shit out of some other female. Whether or not the accusations are true or not is not the point.
And like a pack of savage beasts, women will verbally rip her to threads. Calling the victim various names from the common 'BITCH' to more extremes. And much like the collective powers of Captain Planet, each woman responsible for the destruction of the victim's reputation, their 'powers' grow steadily as a unit.
But why is that? Why do women [not all obviously] find it necessary to back stab or talk badly about others in order to feel better about themselves. Instead of silently fuming, they release their hatred and disgust by voicing it out and in fact, influencing those ears that happen to be eavesdropping.
I'm not saying that i'm an angel. I'm far from it. We've all bitched at one point in or lives. It could be as miniscule as commenting about a stranger that walks by to even pinpointing their very own friends' faults and blowing it out of proportion.
I remember back in the day when i was in high school. I so happened to hang around with a bunch of girls [later be informeed to be the 'popular' female group]. And thinking back to what i used to be like and what i am like now, i have changed drastically.
I remember i got into a heated argument with my mom. I'm not sure what the problem was but i was forever getting into trouble and doing the absolute no-no which was to answer back. Always trying to have the last word and standing up for what i believe in even if it meant i'd be grounded.
And i remember my mom said to me... Don't be such a Bitch!
And at the time, that just gave me one more reason to despise her. I continued to rant and rave about how i was never given any freedom. When clearly, my parents were very lenient despite me testing their patience on a regular basis. Maybe it was the adolescent transformation into a teenager syndrome.
I was later sent to boarding school [i'm only assuming it was so i could discipline myself and get a better education]. And at the time i took it as punishment and their way of making sure that i wouldn't see my 'then' boyfriend [whom they despised and didn't want me to associate with].
I had gone from TheDaughterWhoWasABitch and always wanted to be out of the house to ATeenagerWhoHadFallenDeeplyInLove with some other boy and spent most of her time with. This continued for 7 years and as each birthday candle blew out, my circle of female friends reduced and so did my collection of friends.
I had gone from one extreme to another. We both moved overseas and got the education that would allow us to wave our degrees. And it was those 5 years in Melbourne that transformed me.
And to the concern of my folks, they insisted that i go out more. Apparently, i wasn't going out enough. They wanted me to go out with friends. I momentarily forgot what it was like to HAVE friends. I had cooped myself at home or at my boyfriends' place and living in world that WE only knew. It was like playing Husband and Wife minus the ceremony.
But i look back to what we HAD. And it was like an Obsession and you know that saying... Always be with a Man that loves you MORE than you love him, did not apply to our case.
HIS priorities were always 1) Family 2) Uni 3) Work 4) Me/rockclimbing/friends.
Whereas, MINE were 1) HIM 2) Uni 3) Family 4) Friends.
Anti-social? Most defnitely. And then that's when the '7 year itch' changed everything. Things suddenly changed and it got only worse the longer it stretched.
Eventually, i learned that Death was not a solution to anything unless of course if i were suffering from a terminal illness but i forced to adapt to a new surrounding and with the help of medication scraped my remains and this is where i am at today.
My priorities have changed and are now 1) Hardsequence/BAXX events/Family 2) Work 3) Grocery shopping/errands. And should i bump into anyone i know in between any of those, that is when i'll be with company. I have little time for back stabbing, bad energy and jealousy. It's a waste of time and more importantly, i don't need that kind of negativity in my life right now. I don't want any part of it, not now or ever... it's draining and unecessary.
And i will continue to sail on the anti-social butterfly until something better comes along. And i remember telling someone i know, that i will float in and out of people's lives and just because i'm not there, doesn't mean that i have forgotten, i will be back...
And like a pack of savage beasts, women will verbally rip her to threads. Calling the victim various names from the common 'BITCH' to more extremes. And much like the collective powers of Captain Planet, each woman responsible for the destruction of the victim's reputation, their 'powers' grow steadily as a unit.
But why is that? Why do women [not all obviously] find it necessary to back stab or talk badly about others in order to feel better about themselves. Instead of silently fuming, they release their hatred and disgust by voicing it out and in fact, influencing those ears that happen to be eavesdropping.
I'm not saying that i'm an angel. I'm far from it. We've all bitched at one point in or lives. It could be as miniscule as commenting about a stranger that walks by to even pinpointing their very own friends' faults and blowing it out of proportion.
I remember back in the day when i was in high school. I so happened to hang around with a bunch of girls [later be informeed to be the 'popular' female group]. And thinking back to what i used to be like and what i am like now, i have changed drastically.
And i remember my mom said to me... Don't be such a Bitch!
And at the time, that just gave me one more reason to despise her. I continued to rant and rave about how i was never given any freedom. When clearly, my parents were very lenient despite me testing their patience on a regular basis. Maybe it was the adolescent transformation into a teenager syndrome.
I was later sent to boarding school [i'm only assuming it was so i could discipline myself and get a better education]. And at the time i took it as punishment and their way of making sure that i wouldn't see my 'then' boyfriend [whom they despised and didn't want me to associate with].
I had gone from TheDaughterWhoWasABitch and always wanted to be out of the house to ATeenagerWhoHadFallenDeeplyInLove with some other boy and spent most of her time with. This continued for 7 years and as each birthday candle blew out, my circle of female friends reduced and so did my collection of friends.
I had gone from one extreme to another. We both moved overseas and got the education that would allow us to wave our degrees. And it was those 5 years in Melbourne that transformed me.
And to the concern of my folks, they insisted that i go out more. Apparently, i wasn't going out enough. They wanted me to go out with friends. I momentarily forgot what it was like to HAVE friends. I had cooped myself at home or at my boyfriends' place and living in world that WE only knew. It was like playing Husband and Wife minus the ceremony.
But i look back to what we HAD. And it was like an Obsession and you know that saying... Always be with a Man that loves you MORE than you love him, did not apply to our case.
HIS priorities were always 1) Family 2) Uni 3) Work 4) Me/rockclimbing/friends.
Whereas, MINE were 1) HIM 2) Uni 3) Family 4) Friends.
Anti-social? Most defnitely. And then that's when the '7 year itch' changed everything. Things suddenly changed and it got only worse the longer it stretched.
Eventually, i learned that Death was not a solution to anything unless of course if i were suffering from a terminal illness but i forced to adapt to a new surrounding and with the help of medication scraped my remains and this is where i am at today.
My priorities have changed and are now 1) Hardsequence/BAXX events/Family 2) Work 3) Grocery shopping/errands. And should i bump into anyone i know in between any of those, that is when i'll be with company. I have little time for back stabbing, bad energy and jealousy. It's a waste of time and more importantly, i don't need that kind of negativity in my life right now. I don't want any part of it, not now or ever... it's draining and unecessary.
And i will continue to sail on the anti-social butterfly until something better comes along. And i remember telling someone i know, that i will float in and out of people's lives and just because i'm not there, doesn't mean that i have forgotten, i will be back...
I just don't know when.
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