Thursday, September 28, 2006

Lessons to be learned

Yes STUPID me not only forgot my mobile phone at home this morning but realised that i had only one dose left of my medication. So i nicely asked MissSeniorPisces if she would be so kind as to drive me home during lunch and then to the hospital so i could pick up my prescription. In exchange i'd buy her lunch. Deal.

So i put my house keys and wallet in my little bag and off AnBloodyMum, MissSeniorPisces and i went. 40 minutes later we got back to the office and i was completely preoccupied with my new IWantAKittyCat mission and juggling to finish off a deadline. I grabbed my wallet and chucked it in bag.

Then at 6.30pm, MissOrganiser picked me up from work and we made our way to the reunion dinner...

[DETAILS and PHOTOS OF THE NIGHT will be in the next post].

By the time we said our farewells, hugs, kisses and had our last laughs. I jumped in the car with ForeheadFariz and his beau since they were kind enough to send me home. It was just past midnight and seconds before i reached my main door, i realised...

where the fuck are my keys?

I had left them in that little black bag that's nicely tucked away in my drawer in the office! I couldn't call ForeheadFariz to make a U-turn, my office keys were in my OTHER bag INSIDE my apartment and there was no way i was going to camp outside because i have to catch a flight in the afternoon and i haven't packed.

So the only thing i could think of was QUICK... CALL MY LANDLADY!
*ring riiiing* ... *ring riiiing*


Hi [insert SuperNiceLandLady name]. Sorry to call so late but i was wondering if you have my spare keys to my apartment. I accidently left them in the office.

Ohhhhhhh [insert pause] Ok, let me try and find it.

Great... thank you sooOooo much!

[2 minutes/2 blocks later... i arrive at their front door, i hear some keys and a voice behind the door...]

*mumble mumble* It's ok, she needs her spare keys because she left them in the office.
Staying as far away from their grill door hoping she couldn't smell the beer on my breath and a dozen thank you's later, i left. Feeling VERY relieved that i had remembered to pass her my spare keys, i made my journey back to my apartment.

Don't forget to pass your spare house keys to a trusted friend/neighbor for moments when your absent minded self gets the better of you!

LESSON 2: Check whether you have everything [keys, wallet, money, IC, bank card/credit card] before you leave your apartment and office.

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