Sunday, September 10, 2006

Now you see them... now you don't.

I receive an email from the NiceComputerGuy to inform me that he forgot to cut out the code from the carrier box... i think all the excitement of being a proud owner of this seductive beauty made me absent minded. And i forgot to even ask for my receipt... stupid, i know... but my brain was elsewhere.

Earlier today i was chatting briefly with a buddy online *waves at Yash* and i mentioned that i was hunting for a wireless router. Not because my place is sooOooo huge that i need to go wireless but because i hate the fact that i've got half a dozen wires running all over the place.

And seeing my modem and wires stretching from one side to the dining table, doesn't quite scream "ORGANISED". I can't tell you the number of times i've tripped over those wires... it scared the living crap outta me. And the last thing i want is to see my baby face down. Bruise me but not my baby!

I also figured i might as well make full use of the in-built airport function and do the whole wireless thang! So Yash recommended the Linksys WRT54G... i wouldn't know the difference between one or another but it was recommended, so i thought hell, why not. My only concern was whether it was compatible with Macs... if it's not, then i don't want it even if it was the best damn router in the technological world.

So i ventured out to where there was civilisation and made my way to town so i could get my receipt/warranty. Managed to get a hold of the Linksys and even got the people at the store to configure it for me. Even though it doesn't mention on the box that it's Mac compatible... it apparently works fine. The guy at the computer store even wrote down step by step instructions for me; what numbers and password i should use... Seriously, it's so nice to get people who KNOW what they're talking about and not answer me with a stunned mullet facial expression.

RM190 poorer, i made my way home and tried to hook up my new addition. But the damn thing kept saying Error and refused to connect. WHAT THE FUCK!? So being the smarty pants that i am, i hooked up my modem to the ethernet and did a search on google to figure out the problem. I don't know what i did or what buttons i pressed but somehow miraculously it stopped saying Error and BINGO... there was a steady connection.

YAY for me!
Buh-bye wires... hello unbruised knees!

But i realised so much attention has been given to my new toy [and this overdose of attention will continue to blossom in weeks to come], i didn't get around to doing my laundry or cleaning up... *sigh* Ewwww... i guess that'll have to wait til tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

get organised.. we dont want to see you all tangled up in them.. wrapped up like a mummy...death by wire

winkris said...

oh my gawd, i'm sucha clutz! I can trip over on flat ground.

Seriously, that's one of my fears to be walkin' along and BAM these wires come out of nowhere and A) Chop off my feet B)I fall and smack my head on the pavement and my skull bounces of the concrete like an over ripe coconut!

Uhhhh oh.

I guess i could always sell my come-fuck-me stilletos on e-bay and say they've only been worn ONCE... ahahha.

Lawrence Yash Lee said...
