Sunday, September 24, 2006

Infectious Sunday

So i made it through the night. And considering that i wasn't in much of party mood, i made extra effort to pull on a happy face and keep my mind occupied. Arrived at the club just before 8pm but only then realising i had forgotten my I.C. And going by the number of raids at various clubs in KL, the last thing i need is to be locked up cause i have no identification on me.

Imagine trying to convince the coppers that i'm not some illegal alien that so happens to be clubbing and forcefully declaring that i am above the legal age, when i could easily pass as a college student.

So being the gem that Goatboi is [and mainly because i kept going on about WHAT IF there was a raid] he took my house keys and drove all the way back to my place to get my Keypass and photocopied passport. THANK YOU! So while i [wo]manned the counter and chit chatted with BeerBaby, Llama Llama, Wing boy and stoopidfish, i eagerly waited for that plastic card that states WHO I AM.

And during which time was informed that Hellraiser was not going to be playing due to unforeseen circumstances [reason is known but i don't see that it's necessary to share, although i TOTALLY sympathise and know EXACTLY how it feels].

But Derb did an excellent job nonetheless. And i even scored a Pharmacy double CD
[which i shamelessly asked Brad for cause it was JUST sitting in the dressing room]. Then taking advantage of the opportunity and got Derb to sign the CD, which made me feel like one of those groupies but fuck it... i got my pics taken with him and we all shared a few laughs backstage.

Unfortunately, i did not get slaughtered but found entertainment in watching everyone else drink themselves silly. Eventually it was time to say goodbye and although i had agreed to go to an after party and have another round of Chinese Tea. I decided in the end that i'd go home. Figured that i needed more sleep and didn't want to do another Passed Out session like last weekend.

By the time i got home i nibbled on some snacks and passed out. But woke up several times during the night because of my endless coughing! I already knew that i was getting ill on Friday when my voice sounded a bit scratchy. It didn't help that my nicotine addiction just made it worse and my inability to say NO to a nice cold beer continued throughout the evening.

So my Sunday has left me nursing myself whilst coughing like a seal and my lungs continue to have its' own issues
[most likely bronchitus or some kind of 'itus... i'm prone to get]. Then rounding up enough energy to do my household chores but i've gone as far as chucking my bed sheets in the wash and wedging myself between the cushions whilst watching Steve Irwin's Memorial on Animal Planet.

I doubt i'll accompany Chook to bring Kai
[one of two guys that make up Derb] to the airport... i don't think it's right if i spread my germs to an International superstar just before he jumps on his plane.


Duke said...

man, the irwin thing was something, yeah?

winkris said...

Yea, it was pretty amazing. Can only imagine how touched his wife must have felt.